$10,000 PRICE REDUCTION!!! This cozy home sits on a large corner lot in the Heart of Newport. Original wood cabinets in the kitchen with gorgeous granite countertops and new appliances. Freshly painted interior, updated bathroom. Original hardwood floors throughout. Large detached garage. Payments start at $995 per month.
How does Rent to Own work?
1. Credit: If there’s an issue with your credit, we have to feel confident, once reviewing the credit report, that we can help you restore it within a 12 month period.
2. Income: We’ll need to see your most recent pay stub. Your income has to qualify up front for the mortgage
3. Deposit: We do require a down payment. You need to tell me the most you have available so that we are comfortable taking the house off the market & approving you to move in and rent while we get to work on helping you restore your credit. **This deposit comes back to you at the mortgage closing so you don’t lose this money unless you break the deal. The monthly rent is just rent. It does not apply to the purchase price like the deposit does.